My name is Danny Waterman and I am one of Ruth’s students at Rocky Hill School. Photography is my favorite hobby; I’m always fascinated by the way photography opens up new worlds and opportunities, and there is nothing that makes me as relaxed and focused (no pun intended) as looking through a camera lens and composing an image.
So, naturally, I could think of no better job than working with Ruth and Sarah at Angell Fine Arts. In my time here, I have gained experience and insight into how a business is run, knowledge that may very well come in handy in the future, as I plan to become either a veterinarian or professional photographer depending on where life takes me. Looking ahead, I hope to incorporate what I’ve learned here into other aspects of my life and to use it to the best of my abilities.
My favorite areas of photography are nature/wildlife, close-up/macro, landscapes, and architecture. I love the motion and energy of animals in the wild, as well as the serenity of trees in nature.

Close-up and macro photography lifts a blind from our eyes, allowing us to see the intricate detail and stunning color of small things that we would otherwise overlook, and pushes the limits of what we can see.
Landscapes convey a sense of depth and “being there,” and present a scene in a vibrant way. 

As with landscapes, architecture expresses depth and place in a colorful way, but they illustrate shape, structure, and pattern.

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